Free access to all 2012 content on Cambridge Journals Online

Cambridge Journals logo From 22nd January - 5th March, all Cambridge Journals content published in 2012 will be available for free on CJO. All you have to do is register. There’s a lot you can do in 6 weeks; it’s long enough to watch the Lord of the Rings trilogy 88 times, and for Usain Bolt to win 37,878 100m sprints. You could train to be a ski instructor, or take 117 trips to the moon on a NASA probe. Or, you could read the 100,000 articles that were published in Cambridge Journals in 2012

OECD Factbook 2013

OECD Factbook provides a global overview of today’s major economic, social and environmental indicators, in a range of user-friendly formats. More countries than ever are covered in greater detail, enabling direct comparisons for many indicators between OECD Members and major additional countries. The electronic version is freely available online:
OECD Factbook 2013

Eurostat regional yearbook 2012

The Eurostat regional yearbook 2012 gives a detailed picture relating to a broad range of statistical topics across the regions of the 27 Member States of the European Union, as well as the regions of EFTA and candidate countries. Each chapter presents statistical information in maps, figures and tables, accompanied by a description of the main findings, data sources and policy context.

The Statistical Atlas is an interactive map viewer for statistical and topographical maps.

Welcome to the new library website

We are pleased to welcome you to our new website, where you can find all relevant library information. Comments and suggestions are welcome at Have a nice stay!

MathSciNet is available again

The MathSciNet database is available again from the whole territory of the Corvinus University. MathSciNet is a bibliographical database for Mathematics with more than 1.2 million records, published by the American Mathematical Society and is the online version of Mathematical Reviews and Current Mathematical Publications.

The best Wiley-Blackwell content on: Environmental Policy

Environmental Policy is a subject with a long history, and ever increasing global relevance. Within modern China questions of sustainable urbanization, and the environmental cost of rapid economic development are of vital importance. With this Virtual Issue, we have attempted to demonstrate the breadth of research being carried out that impacts on Environmental Policy, from the physical causes of climate change through to the human effects of land use change. Free access is available until December 31st.

The best Wiley-Blackwell content on: Environmental Policy

Agricultural Policy Monitoring and Evaluation 2012

This report on agricultural policies covers OECD member countries. This edition shows that after an increase in 2009, producer support in OECD area declined in 2010 and remained rather stable in 2011. In the longer term perspective the OECD estimates of support confirm the downward trend in support to farmers. This report is a unique source of up-to-date estimates of support to agriculture in the OECD area and is complemented by individual chapters on agricultural policy developments in OECD countries. Data for the calculations of support are available online:

The full text of book is accessible from the university's LAN.
Agricultural Policy Monitoring and Evaluation 2012 (pdf)


