
Where to collect material for a term paper or dissertation:

-    Books:  Library catalogue, MOKKA-ODR common catalogue,
-    E-journals, articles: EBSCO A-Z , databasesGoogle Scholar,
-    Theses and outstanding student papers, PhD dissertations, DART-Europe E-thesis portal
-    Corvinus Research Archive
-    Scientific search engines: Google Scholar, BASE, EconBiz,

Reference organizers

Reference organizers enable users to collect, organize, cite, and share your research sources.

Harvard Reference Generator for citing References
EndNote Web

Library services

-    Borrowing
-    Group study rooms for teamwork 
-    Off-campus access (VPN):  how to use subscription based library resources from home through Corvinus VPN connection 

-    Wifi: wireless internet through Cornet-EAP connection


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